Simon’s passion for fish started as a young child when his parents treated the family to a small tank with two resident goldfish. Longing for a tropical freshwater aquarium, Simon regularly maxed out his library borrowing allowance on books about tropical fish. Despite the fact that a tropical aquarium topped his birthday and Christmas list year after year, his parents believed his interest would wane. But Simon’s obsession was here to stay and by age 10, he visualised creating a business and even had the idea for the name ‘AQUAtechniques’. Finally his parents succumbed and gifted Simon his first tropical tank for his 13th birthday.
His interest and passion continued to grow and after gaining qualifications in aquatics and ornamental fish at college, Simon eventually brought his childhood dream to fruition and launched AQUAtechniques in 1997 aged 24.
The business has now grown to 9 team members and is always expanding, due in part to the commitment to a quality service, as well as the passion that we all have for what we do.
If you have a fish related project in mind, please do get in touch and we will be sure to offer all the help that we can!